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The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting and its Benefits for Health and Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting is a popular weight loss and health-boosting strategy that involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. Learn the science behind intermittent fasting and its potential benefits for weight loss, blood sugar control, and brain health.

The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting and its Benefits for Health and Weight Loss

So, you have decided to embark on the journey of intermittent fasting, eh? Good for you, brave soul. Intermittent fasting is not just another fad, it has been around for ages and has proven to be a game-changer in the world of health and wellness. So, what is intermittent fasting? Well, it's basically a pattern of eating where you alternate between periods of fasting and eating. 
Why intermittent fasting, you ask? Oh boy, where do I begin? Apart from being an excellent tool for weight loss, intermittent fasting also helps improve metabolism, reduces inflammation, and can even lower the risk of chronic diseases. Now, that's what I call a win-win situation. 
But, how does intermittent fasting work, you ask? When you fast, your body enters into a state of ketosis, where it starts to burn stored fat for energy instead of glucose, which can lead to weight loss. Plus, it also promotes autophagy, a cellular process that helps repair and renew cells in the body. So, are you ready to give it a try? Let's dive into the different types of intermittent fasting.

Types of Intermittent Fasting:

If you're looking to lose weight, there are various types of intermittent fasting that you can choose from to help reach your goals. The 16/8 method involves eating only during an 8-hour period and fasting for the remaining 16 hours. The 5:2 diet calls for limiting your daily calorie intake to 500-600 for two non-consecutive days of the week and eating normally during the other five days. Eat-Stop-Eat involves fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week. Lastly, Alternate Day Fasting is where you alternate between regular eating and fasting days.

Each method has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to find a plan that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Among these methods, the most popular one is the 16/8 method as it is the easiest to follow and fits well into the typical lifestyle. However, some people might prefer more extreme methods like the 5:2 diet or Eat-Stop-Eat for quicker results.

It's also important to note that even though these methods are effective for weight loss, they are not suitable or safe for everyone. Before starting any IF regimen, it's best to consult with a doctor or a nutritionist to ensure it is the right choice for you.


Intermittent fasting has numerous benefits for both weight loss and overall health. One of the most significant benefits is weight loss. By reducing the number of calories consumed, intermittent fasting can lead to a calorie deficit, resulting in weight loss. Improved metabolism is another benefit of intermittent fasting. It can help boost metabolism and improve digestion. 

Intermittent fasting can also reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in many chronic diseases. By reducing inflammation in the body, intermittent fasting can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. 

Improved mental clarity is another significant benefit of intermittent fasting. By reducing the number of calories consumed during the fasting period, the body is forced to use stored fat for energy, which provides a steady source of energy that can help improve cognitive function. 

Overall, intermittent fasting can have a profound impact on both weight loss and overall health. From reducing inflammation to improving mental clarity, this eating pattern has numerous benefits that are definitely worth considering.


Let's get real, any diet, no matter how effective, can come with its fair share of side effects. Intermittent Fasting is no different, so it's important that you listen to your body and pay attention to how you're reacting to the diet. Here are some common side effects you might experience while practicing Intermittent Fasting.

First up is a headache. As you adjust to the new eating schedule, your body could experience some headaches. Keep in mind that this is your body's way of telling you that it's adjusting to the new lifestyle. 

Next up we have hunger. This one goes without saying- if you're not used to fasting, you're likely going to experience some hunger pains. Don't worry though, they usually won't last long.

Then there's irritability. When you're hungry, your mood can fluctuate. Your body might need some time to adjust to this new routine and it's okay if you're a little cranky at times.

How to Start with Intermittent Fasting

So you've decided to jump on the intermittent fasting bandwagon, congrats! Now comes the hard part: starting. Here are some key tips to keep in mind as you get started on your fasting journey.

First and foremost, choose a plan that works for your lifestyle. There are several different methods of intermittent fasting to choose from, so don't feel like you have to stick to one if it doesn't work for you. Listen to your body and adjust as needed.

It's important to stay hydrated while fasting, so be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. And don't forget to exercise regularly to help boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.
When it comes time to break your fast, be mindful of what you eat. Overeating can sabotage all your hard work, so stick to healthy, whole foods and avoid binging on junk food.

Most importantly, remember that intermittent fasting is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone's body is different, so don't be discouraged if your results aren't exactly the same as someone else's. Just keep at it and listen to what your body needs.

Meal Plan and Recipes for Intermittent Fasting

So, you’re planning to start your intermittent fasting. Great choice! But wait, what about meal plans and recipes? 
During the eating window, you should focus on nutrient-dense foods. That means protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. You can indulge in some of your favorite foods too but make sure to balance it out. 

If you’re looking for a meal plan, then you can start with a 16/8 method. That means fasting for 16 hours and consuming all the calories within the 8-hour eating window. 
For breakfast, you can have scrambled eggs with avocado and berries. For lunch, a grilled chicken breast with roasted vegetables and quinoa. And for dinner, a grilled salmon with a side of steamed broccoli.
If you’re looking for some easy and delicious recipes, then you can try the grilled chicken skewers with peanut dipping sauce, baked sweet potato fries, vegetable stir fry with brown rice, and avocado tuna boats.
Remember, the meal plan and recipes also depend on your preferences and body type, so experiment until you find what works best for you.

In conclusion, 

intermittent fasting is a healthy way to lose weight and boost overall health. It is a flexible eating pattern that can be easily adapted to fit your lifestyle. However, it is important to note that intermittent fasting is not suitable for everyone. It is crucial to consult your doctor before starting an intermittent fasting regimen to ensure your health and well-being



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Butter Chicken

Butter Chicken is a delicious and popular Indian dish made with chicken, tomato sauce, and a creamy, buttery sauce. It is a popular dish in Indian restaurants around the world, and it is also easy to make at home. Ingredients needed:-  300 gm chicken boneless. Besan (gram flour) Chicken masala Egg curry masala amchur masala(dried mango powder) Chaat masala  Garam masala Ginger garlic paste Lemon Turmeric powder (Haldi powder) Coriander powder (Dhaniya powder) Red chilly powder (Laal Mirch powder) Red chilly normal(sabut  laal mirch) Cumin seeds( jeera) and their powder Kasuri methi dried. Black pepper (kaali mirch) poder Cardamom (Elaichi) Long 2-3 Green chilly  Onion -2-3  Tomato -3 Butter  Refined sunflower oil Tomato Ketchup Fresh cream(if not available then use normal milk 100ml)... Kewra water Kashmir Laal Mirch  powder         For marination for fresh chicken tikka -Take a bowl or plate -Cut the chicken into small pieces (for better taste try a chicken leg piece or drumstick)  -A

Sahi Mix Veg: A Delicious and Nutritious Indian Dish

Ingredients::- for 4-5 people  2 potatoes 3 Tomatoes 4 Onion  50 grams of Green Peas handful of Beans Cauliflower 1-2 Carrot 4-6 Garlic 2 Capsicum  1 inch Ginger Coriander leaves 200 grams Cottage cheese/paneer(optional) Bay leaves Cumin seeds Cinnamon sticks Cardamom  Black pepper Garam masala Coriander powder Chilli powder Turmeric powder Cashews/peanuts Kasuri methi Refined oil Fresh cream or milk PREPARATION:-


Nawabi kulcha... INGREDIENTS:- Maida:200 gm Oil Potatoes Onion Sesame seeds(til) Chilli BUTTER/ghee Salt Chaat masala Amchur masala Curd Yeast/soda Sugar .. PREPARATION:- *Mix the maida(all-purpose flour) with 2 tablespoons of curd.. oil, soda, or yeast. Sugar 1 tablespoon and salt... And * knead the dough with warm water .. and let it rest.. FILLING *Mash the boiled potatoes and add the salt , chaat masala, dried mango powder( amchur), and red chili powder. Salt. FOR MAKING DOUGH BALL *Take a small amount of dough and add the prepared filling inside it..  *Then use the flatbread roller...  *Then use it for making the nawabi kulcha like flatbread in a circular shape.  *After it put some sesame seeds, chopped coriander leaves, and onion seeds, and then use the roller again  FINAL COOKING🍳:- First, add little oil or butter or ghee to the pan and heat it up..  Then put the kulcha on it.  Cook well from both sides...  After it's ready. Serve it with tomato chutney or Schwann sause .. 


INGRIEDIENTS:-for 3-4 people 3 small tomatoes 2 onion Cashews 5-7 or peanut -7-10  Ginger 1 inch Garlic 3-4 shells Jeera(cumin) seeds Green chili Red chili powder Kashmir red chili Sugar  Long Black pepper Eggs -6-7  Bay leaves Cinnamon sticks Cardamom (elaichi) Coriander powder Garam masala Egg curry masala Chat masala Butter 100-200 grams Refined oil Milk or heavy cream Kasuri methi Coriander leaves Preparation 1st -In a pan, in medium flame  *add 3-4 tables spoon refined oil  * add roughly chopped onion * Add tomatoes *add ginger and garlic * Add chili * Add all spices (2 tablespoons of cumin seeds, cinnamon stick, elaichi, 4-5 bay leaves 2, red chilly, cashew 7-8,(or peanut 5-6), black pepper 5-6shells, 2 long) * Mix it well * Let it cook for 2 minutes * Add Kashmir red chilly powder 2 tablespoons *Add 300 ml of water  * Cover the pan and let it boil for 10-15 minutes. * Now add the prepared material into the grinder and make puree out of it. 2nd- boil all the eggs COOKING

VEGAN-MEAT WRAP --vegan chicken

WHAT IS VEGAN MEAT? A vegan meat dish is a dish made without any meat or poultry but may include fish. Many people who consume a vegan diet do so for health reasons. They believe that a plant-based diet is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher in fiber and antioxidants, than a diet that includes meat. There are a number of reasons why you might want to try a vegan meat dish. Maybe you’re interested in reducing your meat consumption for health or environmental reasons. Or, maybe you’re simply curious about what a vegan meat dish tastes like.  WELL you should not worry as I am here to help you with this  amazing vegan meat recipe for everyone INGREDIENTS soya chunks -1 cup Green chili -2-3 Onion -1 Capsicum -1 Carrot -1 Garlic,- 5-6 shells Ginger- 1/2 inch Cabbage  Salt Soya sauce Ketchup Chilli sauce Black pepper powder Red chili powder Schwann sauce White vinegar Rice foil /rice paper sheets (Or you can use an alternative like shaurma flat sheet bread or simply use a very


    INGREDIENTS Bread Potatoes 4-5 Tomatoes 1 Green chilli Onion Coriander leaves Garlic Ginger Chat masala  Dried mango powder (Aamchur powder) Butter Haldiram bhujia Tamarind puree(imli chutney) FILLING PREPARATION *Boil potatoes * Now take a bowl and mash the boil potatoes in it  * Add salt according to taste *Add 2 tablespoons of chat masala *Add 1 tablespoon of aamchur powder * Add fine chopped onion SAUCE PREPARATION In a grinder  jar  *Add 3-4 green chilly, *Add 2 shell of garlic *Add little bit of ginger * Add coriander leaves in bulk *Add 1/2 tablespoon of aamchur powder *Add tomatoes roughly chopped * Add little mint  *Add 1 tablespoon salt and grind it and make it sauce or green chutney   SANDWICH PREPARATION First take 2 slices of bread and on  one side add the prepared potatoes filling * And on another side add the prepared chilli sauce * Now wrap the sandwich and put butter  on both side and grill it on a pan or sandwich griller  * Now take the cooked sandwich in a servin


DIFFERENT TYPES OF INDIAN BREAD- RECIPE Indian cuisine is a vast and delicious melting pot of flavors and spices. From the fiery heat of the South to the delicate sweetness of the North, there is something for everyone to enjoy. And no Indian meal would be complete without a side of bread. So here are some delicious and easy Indian bread 1. Naan-  Naan is a popular type of bread. It is cooked in a tandoor (a clay oven) and is made using all-purpose flour, yeast, yogurt, and milk. Naan has a soft texture and is usually served with butter and garlic. It is high in calories as one serving can be around 320 kcal. You can pair Naan with any Indian curry dish, such as Butter Chicken or the vegetarian option of Daal Makhani. Recipe- Mix flour, yeast, and salt. In another bowl, mix water, yogurt, and milk. Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry mixture and knead the dough until it becomes smooth. Cover the dough and let it rise for about 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 500 F. Divide the dou

Chicken Lollipop Recipe: A Delicious and Easy-to-Make Appetizer

CHICKEN LOLLIPOPS: THE PERFECT FINGER FOOD FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY. Indian-style chicken lollipop is popular street food in India. It has a crispy outer layer with soft, juicy, and flavorful meat inside. The dish is served with chutney, which adds another dimension of flavor to the dish. It is believed that the Indian-style chicken Lolipop originated from Delhi and has been around for many years. It became popular for its easy preparation and taste. How to make chicken lollipops:A Step-by-Step Guide  INGREDIENTS Chicken drumsticks -5-6 Or chicken wings -10 All-purpose flour (maida) Egg-1 Red chili powder Ginger Garlic Green chili Chilli sauce Tomato ketchup White vinegar Soy sauce Salt Refined sunflower oil Red food color. MARINATION STEPS * Take a bowl 🥣 * Add around 200 grams of all-purpose flour. *Add 1 tablespoon of salt,3 tablespoons of red chili powder, 2 tablespoons of ginger garlic paste, and a pinch of food color. *Now add 1 whole egg 🥚 * Add water around 100 ml, and mix it well


INGREDIENTS Chickpea (Chole) -200 grams Tomatoes -4 Potatoes -1 Onion -4-5 Tamarind:- 1 or 2 pieces  Green chili -3-4 Garlic -4-5 Ginger 1-3 Bay leaves 2 Black tea  Coriander powder Red chilly powder Soda Turmeric (Haldi) powder Salt Black pepper Cardamom green and black Cinnamon sticks Cumin( jeera) seeds Dried fenugreek leaves(Kasuri methi) Asafetida Chat masala Amchur masala Chole masala Sugar or jaggery +++FOR KULCHA+++ all-purpose flour (Maida) -300 -400 grams Sugar Salt Soda Yeast(optional) Green coriander leaves Onion seeds(optional) Curd PREPARATION *First grind the tomatoes, ginger, and garlic in a jar and make puree out of it * Take a small bowl and add tamarind to it *Boil potato 1 *chickpea (chole)should be soaked in water for at least 2-3 hours  * Putt all the chole in a pressure cooker and cook til 4-5 whistle * Chopped the onion and green chili ( not finely chopped) * ***FOR MAKING DOUGH **** * In a bowl add all-purpose flour (maida) *Add salt, 2 tablespoons of suga


  Paneer lababdar is a popular Indian dish that originated in the northern regions of India. It is a rich and creamy curry made with paneer (Indian cottage cheese), tomato puree, and a blend of spices. The dish gets its name from the way it is prepared, lababdar is a Hindi word that means to please and delight. Paneer lababdar is typically eaten with naan, a type of Indian bread that is soft and fluffy. It can also be eaten with other Indian breads such as roti, paratha, or kulcha. Paneer Lababdar Recipe: Ingredients: - 250g paneer, cut into small cubes - 2 tomatoes, roughly chopped - 1 onion, roughly chopped - 2 garlic cloves, minced - 1 inch ginger, grated - 1 tsp cumin seeds - 1 tsp coriander powder - 1 tsp garam masala - 1 tsp red chili powder - 1 tsp kasuri methi - 1/2 cup cream - Salt to taste - Oil for cooking - Fresh coriander leaves for garnishing Method: 1. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. Once they start crackling, add onion, garlic and ginger. Fry till onions turn